Volunteer Opportunities
UVA Student Garden

The UVA Student Garden is a community garden located near O’Hill on the corner of McCormick and Alderman Road. If you’re interested in learning more about gardening, helping tend to the beds, or bringing home fresh veggies that you helped harvest, the garden is for you!
There is no need to sign-up, just come and volunteer! Workday activities will vary and may include tasks such as spreading compost from Black Bear Composting, planting seeds, harvesting veggies, and watering with reused rainwater from the roof of the astronomy building. For more information, visit https://sustainability.virginia.edu/student-garden

Morven Kitchen Garden
Morven Kitchen Garden (MKG) is a place where UVA students learn, lead, and connect through sustainably growing food. Learn more here: https://morven.virginia.edu/mkg
Food Assist
Food Assist is a club of University of Virginia students who volunteer to drive food donations from local restaurants and University organizations to feed those in need. Learn more here: https://www.uvafoodassist.com/
UVA Community Food Pantry
Student volunteers ensure that the pantry is a reliable and viable resource for UVA students and staff members. Volunteer opportunities include planning and running food drives, helping with restocking trips, tabling at events, and other needs that come up throughout the semester! Learn more here: https://pantryatuva.org/volunteer/.
Cultivate Charlottesville
This local organization focuses on engaging youth and community in building an equitable, sustainable food system through garden-based experiential learning. They have volunteer opportunities with the City Schoolyard Garden or Food Justice Network. Check them out here: https://cultivatecharlottesville.org/
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
This nonprofit provides free groceries to families and individuals in need. Volunteers can assist with food distribution, sorting donations, or organizing food drives. It’s an excellent opportunity to support your community and contribute to a more secure food system! Learn more here: https://cvillefoodpantry.org/